Congratulations to senior Nora Garg, SLA’s first student to receive a commendation award for the prestigious Princeton Prize in Race Relations! Nora is one of 25 students across the country to win this award!
“The mission of the Princeton Prize in Race Relations is to identify and recognize high school students who, through action and service, have demonstrated leadership in advancing racial equity, promoting racial understanding, or eliminating racial bias and prejudice in their schools and communities.”
The Princeton Prize operates through 28 Regional Committees and an at-large committee that accepts applications from high school students who live outside the geographic boundaries of the existing regions. Each committee is responsible for awarding one Princeton Prize and may also award Certificates of Accomplishment for notable work – which is what Nora won. Nora was recognized for her work as a co-founder of SOCA – the Students of Color Association. Nora and her co-founders have created a vibrant and powerful student group that showcases the diversity and vibrancy of our school as well as highlighting issues that students of color face in American education.
Congratulations to Nora Garg! We are so proud of you!